Thursday, July 28, 2011

freaky egelloc stneduts

Hi there! I'm Leah Jane Layto Boñales. Living in a freaky world called earth. Together with my freak friends, we made each day of our egelloc life fun but worthy. And thus, you can call us freaky egelloc stneduts.

Most of our times, we were chatting during vacant periods, and even during class hours. Who cares?! We're only just fond of talking. Yes! we are talkative egelloc stneduts! Our voices roar the room207 here in lawaan campus of Hercor College every weekdays. You can hear us scream when a cute guy passes by.
That is just only few of the most freaky things an egelloc stneduts could ever do!

College life is really stressful, but so be it! Just make some fun along the way for you to enjoy. It's not that I'm telling you to escape your classes, I said "some" fun..:) Isn't it nice when you finish your studies and still you enjoy those days of your life..?! :) You got to think about it..

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I'm in college

What things comes to your mind when you hear the word "college"? Some of the egelloc stneduts says it is stressful being in college. Some other says most of the funniest experiences occur during college days. Well for me, it is quite stressful but somehow fun!

I am very lucky that my parents sent me here in college. I know that their having a hard time working every single day just to support me financially. Sometimes, I feel like crying when I hear my parents complain of too much expenses. And that was the time that i realize how hard it is for my parents to let me be a egelloc stneduts. The day I promise to myself I'll never waste their trust in me. I promise to do my best to make them proud of me.

Are you an egelloc stneduts? Well if you are, you're lucky enough to be one. Look at those people around you who doesn't have a formal education. Can you see them starve for food? Can you hear them complain of their undesirable life? Do you want to be like them? I know no one would like to live like them. I also wouldn't like, so let's make every single day of our college life worthy. We are the one who's making our future. Make clear visions with the field you've chosen and do everything to make those dreams come true! Work hard is a necessity, but still faith in God is the best armor.